Water falls. It emerges from the womb of Gaia, after thousands of years of darkened travel, deep within the hidden secrets of Mother Earth. She communicates her earthy breath and shares her choicest minerals, as they combine in a watery alchemy, with intimate knowledge of the journey...
For every step and turn of the water initiates a memory, an experience that is implanted into the living essence of the water's spirit, gathering a learning and an intuition which is embedded into the living codex of our sacred waters.
And then the moment arrives. The moment where water meets air, and water meets light.
And here, the magic happens. Here the magic can be seen. And here the magic may be tasted... Living water.
There are a few moments, as the light, air and water combine, and along with the subtle mineral absorbtions within the water, the 4 Elements are at their most powerful, most potent, and most magical.
This now is an elixir that conjoins with the hidden 5 element, of spirit, of aether, that can be taken, freely and with wisdom.
I drink this water... I trust our sacred Earth, and her precious nectar, as she has gifted places such as these, sacred springs in magical glades, free for all to see, though hidden from closed eyes and closed minds.
My work, through water, evolved thus... Mark Golding - Healing Magic
My work, through water, evolved thus... Mark Golding - Healing Magic
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